Thursday 1 November 2012

In the beggining...

So where to begin. Let’s start with me...

My name is Liam, I’m 23 years old and I live in the UK. I am currently Engaged to my lovely other half Amanda who actually got me into writing this blog. You see I’m in the UK.. but Amanda... well she lives in the USA. She lives exactly 3473 Miles from me. That’s 5589.2517 Kilometers, 6112480 Yards, 18337440 ft, or 220049280 Inches. Although there is this big distance in between us, we still manage to maintain a very healthy and strong relationship. My aim in this blog is to tell the man’s side of this kind of relationship. To read Amanda’s blog (Or the female part) Click here:
In May of 2011 me and Amanda met for the first time and had so much in common. We would talk for hours on end and would constantly have something to laugh about. Unfortunately there were a few things that stopped us from being able to take it that next step further into being boyfriend/girlfriend. In November of the same year Amanda came to see me with her friend Erica and our lives changed forever. The moment we saw each other smiles hit our faces like a fat guy belly flopping into a pool! From then on we were inseparable. We had a magical time running around the Tate Modern mocking the 'Art' that was there, Slow dancing in the middle of Trafalgar square and finally smushing my face against the glass in the London eye capsule for the photo. It literally was that of a movie. When it was time to head back, we knew we had to pursue and keep the magical spark we had. When she returned home her circumstances changed and we decided to give our relationship a try. On the 28th of May I took Amanda to meet my Grandparents in Mallorca and while there I proposed to her to which she immediately said yes!

So this is the beginning. Where it has all started from. I'll update this pretty much whenever I can. I’ll give updates and what we have done so far.

Thanks for reading.